The Bell Tower

The Bell Tower

Masterton once had a majestic clock and bell tower, part of the Post Office and sited in the centre of town. When the Post Office was built the Government included a substantial clock tower but refused to fund the timing mechanism. It took a few years but locals...
Masterton Beautifying Society

Masterton Beautifying Society

The Masterton Beautifying Society was established in 1923, and although interested in other projects in the town, played a major role in the development of the park. One of their first projects was the planting of a range of native trees in the park, trees the Society...
Lake of Remembrance

Lake of Remembrance

Shortly after the Masterton Borough Council assumed control of Masterton Park, another 10 acres were added to the northern boundary. Mastertonians had long craved a substantial lake and say this ground, and its proximity to the Waipoua River, as a chance to provide a...
Coronation Hall

Coronation Hall

Shortly after the Masterton Borough Council assumed control of Masterton Park in the early 20th century, they embarked on a number of improvements, including the erection of tea rooms. In June 1906 a couple of local carpenters offered to build a combined tea rooms,...
Band Rotunda

Band Rotunda

During 1902, all through the British Empire governments were consulting about appropriate measures to mark the coronation of the new king, Edward VII. There was discussion about a fitting memorial in Masterton too, with talk of a Coronation Avenue. Lawyer W G Beard...
Pownall Gates

Pownall Gates

The main entrance to Queen Elizabeth Park is marked by a handsome set of gates commemorating the work of Charles Pownall, Mayor of Masterton. Pownall had been mayor for over eight years in 1902, his terms (he alternated with George Heron) being marked by progress in...