
Apple Growing

Apple Growing

The rich alluvial plains around Greytown have traditionally supported a variety of horticultural endeavours, ranging from vegetable and cut flower production through the cultivation of small fruits such as black currants and gooseberries, to the wide-spread...

Dairy Farming

Dairy Farming

Although Wairarapa has a reputation as a region of sheep farming, the dairying industry has had a large part to play in its agricultural story. The first pakeha farmers were congregated on the lush pastures surrounding Lake Wairarapa, and although they were mainly...

Getting Fleeced

Getting Fleeced

The early economy of the Wairarapa region was based firmly on large sheep stations. These farms, predominantly in the eastern hill country, relied solely on wool for income as frozen meat export was not possible until the invention of refrigerated ships in the early...

First Farmers

First Farmers

From the very first time Pakeha explorers saw the Wairarapa plains they were excited about the possibilities of agriculture in the region. They foresaw the time when the rich lands around Lake Wairarapa would be studded with sheep and cattle, and patchworked with...